Participation Ribbons are Still Ribbons

Writing blog posts is getting harder because my amount of energy is getting smaller. At my last therapy appointment I figured out that up until last week, by brain was still settling into where it needed to land in order to heal. And we are there friends….we sure are there.  I am going to callContinueContinue reading “Participation Ribbons are Still Ribbons”

…and you lose some.

Keeping score with depression: you win some, you lose some. Some days are great and some days you slow clap yourself to the kitchen because getting out of bed in and of itself was a huge accomplishment. A lot of books and essays about depression are witty and comical with a stint of serious towardsContinueContinue reading “…and you lose some.”

I don’t know about you, but I hate feeling 22.

Well hello again fellow bloggers and blog enthusiasts. It has been a long while since I have written a blog post. I seem to shift in and out of times in my life when I really feel refreshed by writing out my thoughts and others when I would rather be sorting through life doing somethingContinueContinue reading “I don’t know about you, but I hate feeling 22.”


Disenchantment: noun, disen’CHantment: a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously respected or admired. That sounds about right. I am disenchanted with the Church. I know that is a broad statement and the only church I experience on a regular basis is a western interpretation of what church is. So I guess IContinueContinue reading “disenchantment.”

getting my s**t together.

I am such a freaking baby. I am so aggravated with myself. I was flipping through one of my old Bibles, looking at passages I have highlighted and written by, and I came across these two passages… Hebrews 11:36-49 (speaking of those who have been faithful to God’s call) “But others were tortured, refusing toContinueContinue reading “getting my s**t together.”

i don’t do relationships that way.

My favorite TV show is Bones (It’s kind of unhealthy how much I like this show). One of my favorite characters (really they are all my favorites…) is Angela. She is an artist with a free spirit, totally in touch with herself and great with people. Well, over the course of the show, Angela hasContinueContinue reading “i don’t do relationships that way.”