Charles Simic – Refugees

Charles Simic is a Serbian immigrant who migrated to the United States with his family in 1954. Many Serbs were displaced as a result of WWII and were left without a home or even, for some, a country. Charles Simic was 16 when he immigrated to New York City. He is now a world renownedContinueContinue reading “Charles Simic – Refugees”

where the home is.

This poem is modeled after “First Smile” by Alessandra Lynch.   Stable and secure and always open. A home is a comfort – is seldom forgotten. Warm hands out-pressed with your greeting, embracing sojourned spirits to their rightful place. Heart turned outward, reaching for yours, filling the feelings of longing and forlorn with this:  ContinueContinue reading “where the home is.”

The Dark Night of the Soul.

The Dark Night of the Soul Once in a dark of night, Inflamed with love and wanting, I arose (O coming of delight!) And went, as no one knows, When all my house lay long in deep repose All in the dark went right, Down secret steps, disguised in other clothes, (O coming of delight!)ContinueContinue reading “The Dark Night of the Soul.”