I don’t know about you, but I hate feeling 22.


Well hello again fellow bloggers and blog enthusiasts. It has been a long while since I have written a blog post. I seem to shift in and out of times in my life when I really feel refreshed by writing out my thoughts and others when I would rather be sorting through life doing something else. My reason for writing this post and those to follow actually falls under neither category. If I am being perfectly honest, this is my attempt to connect on some level with other people who might feel about their lives the way I feel about mine. It may in some way seem like a lame attempt to validate the way I am feeling and the place I am at in life, and that is because that is 100% true. haha. At least I can own that, right?

So here is an update on my life for those who don’t know. I graduated from Missouri State University on December 12, 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies and Spanish. Woohoo! I then moved back home to Kansas City where I know work full time at a restaurant as a server and bartender. Yes, I live with my parents. No, bartending does not have anything to do with what I earned my degree in. No, I do not super love my job. When people say that your college years are some of your best, they really aren’t kidding and I already know it to be true. I miss college and it’s only been 4 months since I graduated.

Of course, everyone wants to know what the new graduate is up to and what their plans are. I smile and tell them all about how I am saving money for my glorious plan to go to law school (which is true) and they smile and say “good for you!” and act excited for me. But to be honest, I freaking hate working as a server for 40+ hours a week. I barely see my friends or family. I live 3 hours away from my boyfriend who I adore and when people get excited to hear what I am doing now, I have to give them a vague semblance of a half thought out plan for my life. Needless to say, I feel like I took 3 huge steps backward and it’s kind of the worst.

Honestly some days I have to just look at my coworker, Kyle, who is in the exact same position I am and just laugh because I don’t know whether to laugh or cry about my life. haha. Oh man. I really hope my 20’s don’t feel like this forever but I’m getting the feeling that they will. It’s so bad that I actually identify with those cheesy lists that pop up on your facebook feed “20 things to remember in your 20’s” or “35 signs that you’re doing better than you think you are”. I find myself circling each number on the list that I qualify for and adding up the numbers like somehow the universe is going to tell me I’m not completely failing at life. I’m sure other people my age don’t have as many numbers circled, right? haha. Oh man. What am I doing? haha.

So, all that to say, I will be blogging more from now on. A lot of it won’t be deep mind blowing thoughts. It might just be a post about my day and what I thought about it. Feel free to read or not read. I’m hoping that by doing this I will somehow find some focus in my life. Please feel free to send me articles or lame lists or stories or anything to read and look at. I would love to share my thoughts on them and hear what you have to say as well. We can all get through this awkward crap, whatever it may be, together.

with love for all you beautiful humans,


One thought on “I don’t know about you, but I hate feeling 22.

  1. look for opportunities to work in a law office, even if its emptying the trash. You will learn about the field you’re interested in and it will look good on your application. This time will pass quickly. Don’t go into debt and you will never be tied to a job you hate. love you

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