
I originally started this thought on Ash Wednesday. It was just scribbled in my journal. Seeing as this Sunday we are taking communion at Woods Chapel, I thought I might re-read what I had wrote and share it with you. Communion is beautiful and I know it means something different to everyone. This is whatContinueContinue reading “communion.”


  Worship: I think there is a lot of possibility packed into that word. Depending on the context it could remind us of ancient times when people brought physical offerings to the temple to lay before the Priests in hopes they would intercede on behalf of the common people. It could bring us to anContinueContinue reading “worship.”


Disenchantment: noun, disen’CHantment: a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously respected or admired. That sounds about right. I am disenchanted with the Church. I know that is a broad statement and the only church I experience on a regular basis is a western interpretation of what church is. So I guess IContinueContinue reading “disenchantment.”

new kid

since I have been in college for a grand total of 3 weeks, I know have all of this awesome college kid wisdom. hahahaha. for real though. Since being here, I can already tell that I have a different attitude towards life. Chaney and I’s new phrase is “just let it happen”. I guess it’sContinueContinue reading “new kid”