3 days left…

okay so its 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday night.

School starts tomorrow.

and I’m kind of sad that I am not going…

yeaaaaaa. weird. I’ve spent pretty much all of high school waiting to be out of high school and now I’m a little disappointed that I’m not going back. Last year I was counting down the days until graduation. All the school work and busy schedules and craziness was just getting old and I was ready for it all to end. But now that I can’t have that back, I kind of miss it. I will miss my teachers and the friends that I have who are still in high school. The routine.

It’s just such a strange feeling not going to school.

I leave for MSU on Friday and then classes start on Monday. I feel like I’m just sitting around waiting. Making my rounds to see everyone before I leave and just passing the time until Friday comes around.

I hate this feeling.

I’m excited and nervous and and scared. I just want to stop wondering what it’s going to be like and waiting to go. I’m ready to be there. To get settled and to start my life. It’s so interesting how much school really does make a “normal” routine for people. I have been all over the place this summer. I just can’t get into a groove because I don’t have school to make me one. I think part of not liking the waiting and feeling weird about not starting High School again is that I am just so ready to have that routine in my life. I know a lot of other college students know what I mean. It’s just a strange feeling. Almost like being lost.

Transitioning from college into a work life is going to be so odd. School will not longer be my routine setter. I guess I better enjoy it while I can.

I know this post wasn’t as deep as some of my other ones but hey, it’s relevant to me at the moment. haha.

Unless something cool happens in the next couple of days, the next time I post it will be from the MSU campus!!

have a great rest of the week.

with love,


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